Saturday, June 25, 2005


I had class this morning (yes, on a Saturday - no rest for the medic students). Around 1:00 we decided to call it quits for the day and Lisa (fellow student) and I went to lunch. We talked about class and our familes and a little about high school. It got me to thinking about time and how much things can change over the course of a few years.

I went to high school with our instructor, Chad. I didn't like him AT ALL in high school. He was an ass. He admits to being an ass. He was friends with one of my older brothers (who was also an ass, and unfortunatly hasn't grown out of that stage of life just yet). I've been out of high school for 10 years (wow! that sounds longer when it's in typed out in black and white). I don't think I would have EVER imagined that Chad would have become anything worthwhile, let alone have become a really good medic and an instructor. What a difference 10+ years makes.

When class started last August and found out our primary instructor was going to be Chad, I nearly quit right then. I couldn't imagine learning anything from the arrogant pain in the ass that terrorized my high school halls. I decided to stay, learn what I could and just keep my distance from him. Today Chad joined Lisa and I for lunch after class. This isn't the first time I've had lunch with him after a Saturday class. Today, I enjoyed the company of an arrogant, pain in the ass, fantastic medic that I went to high school with.

What a difference a little time makes.


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