Wednesday, March 23, 2005

blah day

Yesterday was beautiful. It was breezy and sunny and every time I went outside I could smell spring. It was so close you could taste it. I was on the truck for a 12 hour shift with a wonderful medic (who kept me calm and taught me a lot) and I didn't have any major brain fart moments all day. I actually made it thru a whole ambulance shift without feeling stupid! Yea for me!!!

Today was not beautiful. It was cold and grey. I had to put on a dress, hose and heels and go to a funeral for a family member that I didn't know. And was uncomfortable the whole time. Partly because my toes were squished to a little point in those terrible heels (which I know had to be invented by a man!) and partly because I only knew 6 other people there even though I was related to about 90% of the people in the room - and they all seemed to know me. Apparently, I look just like I did when I was "still in diapers."

Then class was weird. I was about to describe the weirdness, but that would take a whole different blog to tell it all. So just believe me that it was off. That's a perfect statement for my whole day, it was just off. Or maybe I was off. I think maybe it's that I'm having issues with where I am in life.

How is it that I've never had a problem with the age 30. I'm actually looking forward to it ~ I think it will be a good year. But 28 will arrive in a couple days and I realized tonight that I'm freaked out about it. What's that all about? I love my program at school, just found out I passed both exams so I'm still in the program. I'm actually doing really well both academically and with clinicals. So why is it that I want to spend my 28th birthday curled up in a little ball, cut off from human contact, eating ice cream and crying? Why does it feel like I'm an old maid? Why do I care?

Maybe I'm loosing my mind. Maybe I just need a good night's sleep. Maybe I need to not be turning 28 in 2 days.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

One day late . . .

Happy one day late birthday to you,
Happy one day late birthday to you,
Happy one day late birthday deer Reepicheep,
Happy one day late birthday to you!!!!

Reep I hope it was a wonderful day. I was thinking of you!

Friday, March 04, 2005

The world's slowest printer

I got off of work at 10:00 and planned to be in bed by 11:15. I just had a wee bit of work to finish up on the computer and then off to the land of slumber. Then I got the bright idea to print out my clinical schedule. It will only take a couple of minutes then I'll be in bed, or so I thought.

It's been nearly 20 minutes and the dang-blasted printer is still moving at the pace of a snail on a cold day in Antarctica! I just want to be able to double check my clinical schedule to my work schedule from the comfort of my bed. I do realize (21 minutes and 32 seconds into this adventure) that I could have gotten up, walked upstairs, put on my pj's, grabbed my calander off the wall, walked back downstairs, written down my clinical schedule, logged off the computer, walked back upstairs and crawled into bed and been done ages ago, but then I wouldn't have had some time to spare to spend on here.

And look at that! The molasses in winter time print job is done. I can head off to bed now.