Friday, January 28, 2005

lows and highs

Back in the day, when I was a unit counselor at camp, I liked to end a day with 'lows and highs'. We'd go around in a circle and tell the low points of our day and the high points. I don't know what made me think of that today, but it got me to thinking about the lows and highs of my week. So here you go. . .

Lows -

  • Worked with him again this week and was too chicken to make a move.
  • Hemolyzed a sample that I drew on a patient who is a hard stick
  • dropped the bag that had my lunch in it - the bottom of the bowl busted and my soup was gone (and it was expensive Panera soup, the really good Broccoli and Cheddar)
  • Forgot to call Tracey on her birthday - Sorry Shroomie!! I was thinking about you though (didn't figure you'd like a 5am birthday wish)

Highs -

  • Made it thru my first 2 clinical shifts, even found a vein on a patient who is a known hard stick.
  • Did my first registry at work and got really high numbers with lots of china (don't ask, I'm a little sad that I'm excited about this, but its a really big deal at work) and was complemented by my boss.
  • Didn't have to work Wednesday night so I got to watch Alias
  • Worked with him again
  • Have the house to myself all evening
  • The bath tub is finally set in my bathroom!! :)
  • Took me far longer to come up with the lows list than this one (and it's shorter!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


The plan was to write something today that was thought provoking. The plan was to be in bed by 10pm.

It's now after 10, I'm still up and my thoughts are not being provoked.

Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Quote of the day

My camp buddy, Latigo said this once. It pretty much sums up my entire day. . .
"Why is it that we have to know everything and everybody else has to be so dumb?"

Friday, January 21, 2005


Today was a good day.
He worked today.
It's strange, that at 27 years old I still get butterflys over a boy.
I actually blush when I talk about him.
I feel a bit silly, really, blushing about a boy I hardly know. But then again, it's kind of refreshing.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

First one

So, this is my first official post. Thank you for the wonderful gift, my dear Reep. Ironically, I just sent you an e-mail updating you on my comings and goings. Although there really isn't much to tell. As lives go, mine is pretty simple these days. So for the rest of you who might be reading, here's the basic stuff about me. . .

I work full time for a retail company. It's really not a terrible job, but I generally refer to it as retail hell. And prefer to think of it as renting my soul temporarily. Mostly my coworkers are nice and interesting people and I find myself enjoying spending time with them. It just doesn't stimulate me intellectually.

That's why I went back to school . . . Again. I'm about a 1/4 way thru a paramedic science program and I LOVE it. I have plans for more school when I'm done and have worked for a while, but who knows where life will end up taking me.

I've spent all but one of the last 10 summers working at residential summer camps. I miss it and I'm glad to not be doing it anymore. I think, one day I'll go back. Maybe run my own camp. We'll see.

I'm a new home owner, but don't live in my new home just yet. My parents are helping me remodel before I move in. What was supposed to be 2 maybe 3 month project has now taken 9 and we're still working. It's getting closer though.

The snow is really falling now. It really does look beautiful, the snow. Makes me wish I had mountains to look at. I miss the mountains.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Welcome to your blog Delfi!

To write your first post - just click on over to Blogger

sign in as MsDelfi.

The password is my favorite Camp Logan unit

Then . . . .
Click on the MsDelfi link

Click on "Create a New Post"

And then start typing -- most people have first entries like "I don't know what I'm doing" or "I hope this works!" (Feel free to plagerize those types of posts, or come up with something more creative if you like!)

Finally, click on the orange "Publish Post" botton at the bottom of the page.

And with that one small click - you join the ranks of blogger geeks world-wide. (Mom'll be so proud!)

We can change anything on this page - so if you don't like the colors, or the title, or the address, or the layout, or the flower picture, just let me know!